15 posts


Just a bul from Philly with an affinity for words, storytelling, and photography. Here to share my experiences and the beauty I find along the way. Adept at mindless drivel and esoteric education..

Comments Added :)

Comments Added :)


In celebration of this garrulous Gemini season, I’ve properly learned how to integrate a comments section. 🙂

The Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest


I embarked on my 2nd trip to Seattle this past April, flying Alaska Airlines. We were nearly there by the time I remembered that they offer free WiFi. Streaming a movie would have been a much better way to pass the time, rather than counting people as they got up to use the bathroom. It seems like just as soon as the mandatory seatbelt light goes off, everybody wants to

Nostalgic Negative

Nostalgic Negative


The last time I played basketball was here at this playground over 15 years ago. I’m at an old rec center called The Water Tower, and I may have been about fifteen or sixteen years old at the time. When I first moved to this part of Philly, I would come here since it wasn't that far of a walk. Playing ball was all I did outside,

Exercise Reflection
Food & Family: Khao Soi Boys

Food & Family: Khao Soi Boys


Despite it being more than a few weeks into Spring, most days so far have been rather chilly. Now that the Muay Thai camp I’ve been attending is over, my Sunday obligations have rescinded. The weekend is restored, and now properly back in my possession. With newly acquired freedom, I decided to take the drive up to Philadelphia. A brief prologue; I haven’t been home since December for

As Sirens Blare, and Cherry Blossoms Bloom; I Capture the Day in DC with Prime & Zoom. 📸

As Sirens Blare, and Cherry Blossoms Bloom; I Capture the Day in DC with Prime & Zoom. 📸


I came across a post that spoke to me directly:  “One day you will wake up & there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do them now.” – Paulo Coelho There's usually a crucial moment that occurs on Saturdays where after my morning sparring session, I find myself at home choosing between the couch, or the door.  Sometimes the fate of

Sabai, Sabai

Sabai, Sabai


As a kid, I trained loosely in the martial arts of Kung Fu and Tae Kwon Do. It wasn’t until 2018 that I began practicing Muay Thai, realigning myself with these types of aspirations. Back when I worked downtown in Philadelphia, it would take me 15 minutes to get to the gym, walking through Chinatown. Fight Firm (as it’s known) was a converted warehouse with a boxing ring,

Muay Thai Exercise
1st Blog Post! 🪷

1st Blog Post! 🪷


It was all a part of my original plan to begin a blog in 2023, only I hadn’t quite anticipated the way things would turn out.  Most of the logistics had been handled accordingly; I knew where to host the site, and even had a bunch of ideas for initial posts all ready to go. So, what actually happened?  The Analysis Paralysis took hold, as it may during the